August 17, 2024

Internal Conflict...the rest of the story

After a harrowing night of plane delays and rescheduling, I returned to my original flight (once I knew it was actually going to take off!) We left TX at almost 2am and arrived home around 6am. I went straight to bed, woke up at noon to spend one last half-day with my girl before taking her to college.

We made it to one store before both of us ran out of steam. I had been battling respiratory symptoms all week, but they had escalated in the last 24 hrs. Long story made short: I have Covid and an ear infection. With Sam having Cystic Fibrosis, I can't even chance wearing a mask and being in a car with her for 3 1/2 hours. Even if I could travel with her to her school, I wouldn't be able to touch anything. 

We've made the painful decision for me to stay home. Just like flying to see my mom on Monday was the only option, staying home today is the only option. I love this girl too much to put her or other college students at risk. Trying to find laughter amidst the blah:

1) I wrote Sam a letter and then realized at the end that she can't touch it!  So, Dan opened a ziploc bag, and I dropped the letter inside like we're dealing with hazardous material. It will literally quarantine (just to be safe) until Sam needs to read it.

2) We were musing about how this week has gone, when Sam's clothes started falling off hangers. She was like "yep, we're just coming up smith." And we all started laughing so hard. What else is there to do?


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